Faktor Risiko Demam Berdarah di Negara Tropis
Risk Factors of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Tropical Countries
risk factor, DHF, tropic, systematic reviewAbstract
Abstract. Tropical countries are the largest contributor to the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), but research on risk factors is still independent in various countries, it cannot be concluded holistically. Through the research design, a systematic review is able to summarize and answer the causes of DHF in this tropical country. This research method is a systematic review with guidelines following the 2009 PRISMA Checklist. In the initial search, 1,680 articles were found using the keyword “risk factors for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever”, reduced to 274 article titles after adding the keyword “tropical country”. Furthermore, the relevant abstracts were filtered and found 37 selected article items. Through critical appraisal of the full text of the article, it was found that 17 articles met the selection criteria for further review in this study. The results showed that there were 5 major groups of risk factors that were widely studied, namely sociodemography, climatology, place of dwelling, environment, and behavior. The sociodemographic factor associated with the incidence of DHF in tropical countries is age. In terms of climatology, temperature and rainfall are important factors in the vector breeding process. Rural areas (rural areas) are the place of dwelling with the most cases of DHF found. The environmental aspect that has been widely studied is mosquito breeding. The most significant risk behavior factor in transmission was the behavior of hanging clothes. Of the 17 articles, it was found that 77.8% of the articles examined environmental variables.
Abstrak. Negara tropis menjadi penyumbang kasus terbesar terhadap kejadian demam berdarah dengue (DBD), namun penelitian faktor risiko DBD masih independen di berbagai negara, sehingga belum dapat disimpulkan secara holistik. Melalui desain penelitian systematic review mampu merangkum dan menjawab penyebab DBD di negara tropis tersebut. Metode penelitian ini adalah systematic review dengan pedoman mengikuti PRISMA Cheklist tahun 2009. Pada pencarian awal ditemukan sebanyak 1.680 artikel
menggunakan kata kunci “faktor risiko Deman Berdarah Dengue”, berkurang menjadi 274 judul artikel setelah penambahan kata kunci “tropical country”. Selanjutnya disaring abstrak yang relevan dan ditemukan 37 item artikel terpilih. Melalui critical aprasial teks artikel lengkap, didapatkan 17 artikel memenuhi kriteria seleksi untuk selanjutnya di-review dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 5 kelompok besar faktor risiko yang banyak diteliti yaitu sosiodemografi, geografi, place of dwelling, lingkungan dan perilaku. Faktor sosiodemografi yang berhubungan dengan kejadian DBD di negara tropis adalah usia. Pada faktor klimatologi, suhu dan curah hujan yang merupakan faktor penting dalam proses perkembangbiakan vektor. Daerah rural (perdesaan) merupakan place of dwelling yang paling banyak ditemukan kasus DBD. Aspek lingkungan yang banyak diteliti adalah perindukan nyamuk. Faktor perilaku yang berisiko dalam penularan yang paling banyak ditemukan signifikan yaitu perilaku menggantung pakaian. Dari 17 artikel, ditemukan 77,8% artikel semuanya meneliti variabel lingkungan.
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