Penggunaan Insektisida Rumah Tangga dan Kerentanan Aedes sp. terhadap Permetrin di Kelurahan Sorosutan Kota Yogyakarta
e Use of Household Insecticides and Susceptibility of Aedes sp. against Permethrin in Sorosutan Yogyakarta
household, insecticides, susceptibility, permethrinAbstract
Abstract. The use of household insecticides is an alternative solution to prevent mosquito bites. Most of the household insecticides sold in Indonesia have pyrethroid active ingredients, permethrin, which is available in the aerosol formulation. Inappropriate use of household insecticides can reduce mosquito susceptibility. The objectives of this study are to describe the use of household insecticides and susceptibility of Aedes sp. against permethrin in Sorosutan Yogyakarta. This study used a crosssectional survey design. This study was conducted in December 2018–April 2019 in 354 households in Sorosutan which were randomly selected based on proportional sampling. Interviews about the household insecticides were conducted with the owner or resident of the house. The susceptibility tests used impregnated paper with permethrin 0.75%. The survey results showed that 25.14% of the houses use household insecticides. The insecticide used were aerosol, electric mosquito repellents, and mosquito coils containing active ingredients of the pyrethroid group, namely dimefluthrin, transfluthrin, prallethrin, cypermethrin, and metofluthrin. The susceptibility test results showed a decrease in mosquito susceptibility where the population of Aedes sp. in Sorosutan has been resistant against permethrin. The continuous use of insecticides with pyrethroid active ingredients can develop mosquito resistance against permethrin because all pyrethroids have the same mode of action. This study concludes that only a small proportion (25,14%) of the households used insecticides with the active ingredients used mainly in the pyrethroid group (dimefluthrin, transfluthrin, prallethrin, cypermethrin, and metofluthrin) and the population of Aedes sp. in Sorosutan has been resistant to permethrin.
Abstrak. Penggunaan insektisida rumah tangga merupakan solusi alternatif mencegah gigitan nyamuk. Insektisida rumah tangga yang dijual di Indonesia sebagian besar berbahan aktif piretroid, salah satunya permetrin yang tersedia dalam formulasi aerosol. Penggunaan insektisida rumah tangga tidak sesuai anjuran dapat menurunkan kerentanan nyamuk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran penggunaan insektisida rumah tangga dan kerentanan Aedes sp. terhadap permetrin di Kelurahan Sorosutan
Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional survey. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2018–April 2019 di 354 rumah di Kelurahan Sorosutan yang dipilih secara acak berdasarkan proportional sampling. Wawancara tentang penggunaan insektisida rumah tangga dilakukan pada pemilik atau penghuni rumah. Pengujian status kerentanan menggunakan impregnated paper berbahan aktif permetrin 0,75%. Berdasarkan hasil survei, sebanyak 25,14% rumah menggunakan insektisida rumah tangga. Insektisida yang digunakan dari formulasi aerosol, elektrik, dan bakar dengan kandungan bahan aktif golongan piretroid yaitu dimeflutrin, transflutrin, praletrin, sipermetrin, dan metoflutrin. Hasil uji kerentanan menunjukkan telah terjadi penurunan kerentanan, populasi Aedes sp. di Sorosutan ditemukan resisten terhadap permetrin. Penggunaan insektisida berbahan
aktif piretroid secara terus-menerus dapat meningkatkan perkembangan resistensi nyamuk terhadap permetrin karena cara kerja insektisida golongan piretroid sama. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah hanya sebagian kecil (25,14%) rumah tangga yang menggunakan insektisida namun bahan aktif yang digunakan sebagian besar termasuk golongan piretroid (dimeflutrin, transflutrin, praletrin, sipermetrin, dan metoflutrin) dan ditemukan bahwa populasi Aedes sp. di Sorosutan telah resisten terhadap permetrin.
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